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Google Adsense能促进Google收录网页吗?



但我不好将坊间推测作为答案给对方,于是去Matt Cutts的博客上找答案,果然有人在Matt 的一篇博客评论中问到这个问题:

问:放了AdSense的页面比没放AdSense的页面是否会获得更加频繁的索引……(There’s a lot of concern right now that it means that pages with AdSense are going to be indexed more frequently than non-AdSense pages. Now that you’ve confirmed that BigDaddy looks at the mediabot data, we need more information on what exactly is happening…)

Matt答:页面放了AdSense不会导致更加频繁的索引,实际上只是一个索引的缓存,比如我们的新闻蜘蛛率先获得了一个页面,而后Googlebot也想要同一页面,就从缓存中读取这个页面。但放置Adsense或Google News既不会对排名有任何促进作用,也不会因此获得更多页面被收录(……but: pages with AdSense will not be indexed more frequently. It’s literally just a crawl cache, so if e.g. our news crawl fetched a page and then Googlebot wanted the same page, we’d retrieve the page from the crawl cache. But there’s no boost at all in rankings if you’re in AdSense or Google News. You don’t get any more pages crawled either.)


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